Friday, May 3, 2013

Abolitionist Blog Post

You will be writing a 3 paragraph blog post describing the life of an abolitionist and specifically focusing on the impact that they had in the fight against slavery. You will need to discuss at least 3 things they did to help fight slavery. You also need to include 3 images of your abolitionist in your blog post! Choose one of the following abolitionists:

William Lloyd Garrison, David Walker, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Elijah Lovejoy, Samuel Cornish, John Russworm, John Brown

Part 1: Complete the pre-writing activity introduced to you in class

Part 2: Using your graphic organizer from the pre-writing activity, write 3 paragraphs describing the life of your abolitionist and the impact they had on the fight against slavery using the following format:

Paragraph 1: Introduce the person, tell about their life, where they came from, interesting experiences they may have had

Paragraph 2: Talk about 1-2 important things your abolitionist did in the fight against slavery. If you talk about 1 thing here, you will need to talk about 2 in the next paragraph.

Paragraph 3: Talk about 1-2 things your abolitionist did in the fight against slavery. If you talked about 2 in paragraph 2 then you only need to describe one more here. This paragraph should also include a conclusion sentence that sums up your main point or the purpose of the writing.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Profile of North and South

Compare life in the North and South based on the following factors:

(Look through pages 384-407 to find the information)

Social Classes
Way of Life

You will create an 8.5x11 poster that compares the two on the factors above.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Boston Massacre

Image 1

 Image 2

 Image 3

 Image 4

Friday, January 25, 2013

Road to Revolution Vocabulary


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Colonial Family Paintings

Analyze the following paintings for clues about family roles and gender roles during the American colonial era. Take notes on things you notice as you analyze the photos. Then, write a 2 paragraph essay describing your thoughts on what family roles and relationships were like and what gender roles were present during the time.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Put the following events on your digital timelines on TimeGlider:

  1. Columbus reaches America (page 46)
  2. England leaves Catholic Church (page 59)
  3. First Settlement at Roanoke (page 71)
  4. Lost Colony of Roanoke (page 71)
  5. Jamestown Settlement in Virginia (page 71)
  6. House of Burgesses first met (page 73)
  7. Pilgrims land at Plymouth (page 77)
  8. Puritans settle Massachusetts (page 78)
  9. Connecticut founded (page 79)
  10. Rhode Island founded (page 79-80)
  11. New York (New Netherland) settled by the Dutch (page 83)
  12. England takes New York (page 83)
  13. Pennsylvania was founded by the Quakers (page 84-85)